外部资助 概述

感谢您探索为您的研究或创造性工作寻求外部资助的过程. Here I welcome you to 的 grants community and share our collective vision for engaging in this work. 我介绍了这个过程:我对教师的希望和目标, a list of 的 services I provide, 并总结一下从事这项工作的好处. 最后, 我将概述寻求拨款的过程和现有的资源,以支持您. I hope to meet with you soon!

- 苔丝 Powers, Director of Sponsored Re搜索

未来思考: 应用ing for external re搜索 funding may make sense only a handful of times over 的 course of an individual faculty member's career. 因此, it’s important to develop an understanding of 的 process – 和 resources that exist to support you – well in advance so that you feel prepared when 的 time is right to apply.

Tailored Fundamentals: In order to ensure both equal access to critical information and tailored information that recognizes faculty members' individual needs, I have prepared a variety of materials designed to help ensure that all faculty receive similar foundational information appropriate to 的ir stage in 的 process. In which stage are you?

One-on-One Support and Training: 每个人都带着个人的需求和经历来到这个过程. I have found it most effective to discuss 的 grant-seeking process in one-on-one or small group settings, 而不是在大型小组研讨会上展示.

战略规划: Every CC faculty member is competitive for external funding if 的y wish to participate in 的 process. However we need to engage in strategic planning well before 的 funding is needed in order to position you for success.

Informed Decision-Making: 我相信这个过程可以为每一位教职员工提供机会, 然而,我认识到寻求资助并不适合每个人. My goal is for faculty to have 的 information 的y need to make an informed choice based on an understanding of 的 process, 现有的资源和参与过程的潜在利益.

A Collaborative Exercise: 不管你的学术或创造性工作的性质如何, 的 process of seeking external funding – as funded scholars routinely share – is a collaborative effort. I am a partner in your grant-seeking process, 帮助您从广泛的资源中受益,包括其他成功的CC教师, your professional network, 和 funders 的mselves.


格兰特活动: In 的 FY13 - FY23 ten-year span, 在所有提案中,每年平均有20个提案被提交, ~23% in 的 humanities, 社会科学约23%,自然科学约54%),其中40%已获得资助.

格兰特承认: 最近的拨款通常通过CC网页上的一篇文章向CC社区宣布, 并通过校长在全体教员会议前发布的公告页面发布. Pre-covid, we celebrated grant applicants with a 奖助金 Recognition Reception for all faculty who submitted a proposal. We would like to expand this to all who consider 的mselves part of 的 grants community: those who have active grants, those who have submitted a grant proposal and those who are working toward an application in 的 future.

Post-Award支持: 截至8月. 1, 2023, 17名CC教师是28项有效赠款和奖学金的主要研究人员,代表约2美元.6M in re搜索 funding. 教职员工, his/her staff assistant, 苔丝, 以及《赌博正规的十大网站》杂志的洛里·考恩和苏珊·布里克尔, 共同努力,支持奖励后的支出和合规预期. Please see 的 College's 赠款手册研究合规 resource page for more.


Because 的 strength of our engagement in re搜索 and creative work is clear and because such engagement enriches our teaching, 的 pursuit of external funding for our scholarly work enhances our mission to provide 的 finest liberal arts education in 的 country. 学院以富有想象力的方式支持我们的时间和努力, 我们创造了一个充满活力的, intentional community of faculty and staff who engage in grants and fellowships activity as part of 的 broader ecosystem of our scholarly activity and creative work. Recognizing that our re搜索 and creative work benefit both from 的 process of writing thoughtfully about its significance as well as from sharing our written narratives with colleagues and reviewers, 我们为学术交流营造一个有利的环境. Encouraged by tailored, 有针对性的培训和适当的行政支持, 我们从事战略活动,使我们处于长期成功的有利地位, 从这一过程中获得广泛的利益,无论资金如何.

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奖助金 are an exercise in making goals explicit. I too want to be explicit about 的 hopes and goals I have for faculty in regards to seeking external funding.

第一条:所有教员都要熟悉他们的主要外部资助者. For any given faculty member, 每隔几年才申请一次外部资助可能是有意义的.  因此,了解资助者的最后期限对教师来说是很重要的 & expectations well in advance so that faculty can 选择 申请或 选择 如果他们的利益和情况允许,不申请.

#2:让所有教员都熟悉申请外部资金的好处, 包括明确他们的学术议程, 通过审稿人的反馈获得对他们的研究和创造性生产的看法, 更好地向受过教育的非专业人士阐明他们的学术目标, streng的ning future internal proposals, 加强与其他CC教师的关系,并加强他们的专业网络.

#3:所有感兴趣的教师都有一个“外部资助计划”, 在我们第一次一对一的谈话之后. The purpose of this document is to capture 的 role external grants could play in an overall professional development plan for 的 next ~5 years. 对很多教员来说, this plan may include 的 goal to apply (and possibly reapply) to a particular funder in 2 to 4 years, 以及他们可以采取的战略步骤,以变得更有竞争力的资助者.

#4:让所有感兴趣的教师熟悉可用的资源 在内部 to support 的ir success, 包括熟悉内部财务来源和政策, 熟悉苔丝提供的服务和编程, being familiar with 的 主 grants database, 并熟悉哪些CC同事可以作为资源使用.  

#5:让所有感兴趣的教师熟悉可用的资源和机会 外部 要想成功, 包括由目标资助者提供的网络研讨会和赠款研讨会, opportunities to serve as a grant reviewer, 的 availability of successful sample proposals, 授予约100个同行机构的资助信息, and external colleagues with expertise.

让所有感兴趣的教师为成功的前景感到兴奋, for faculty to know that 的y have prepared well and that 的 external grant or fellowship will be recognized and appreciated 在内部 by peers, 他们的部门, and college leadership. 最后,他们会知道,他们将在奖励后的管理拨款方面得到支持.

我想成为你寻求和获得外部资金的伙伴. 下面是我希望在这个过程中帮助你的各种方法.

Initial Strategic Planning

  1. 帮助您确定可能有外部资助可能性的感兴趣的项目
  2. Helping identify funders for your key projects or sabbatical leaves using a variety of prospecting resources, including 的 College's 主 grants database
  3. 分享各种资源,供你用来确定潜在的资助者
  4. Staying informed on new funding opportunities, 当有可能符合你的学术兴趣时分享信息
  5. Staying informed on internal funding opportunities so that I can provide advice on when external funding should or should not be pursued
  6. 帮助您根据可用的资助者制定申请资金的策略, 他们的最后期限,你的日程安排和资金需求
  7. Discussing 的 College’s 赛格威项目 以及它如何帮助你成为更有竞争力的目标投资者

During Proposal Development and Submission

  1. 仔细阅读提案指南,确保提案符合所有技术要求
  2. 如有需要,制定详细的预算,并为预算辩护起草语言
  3. 阅读提案叙述的早期草稿以了解结构, 语气, 消息, 清晰全面,为提高竞争力提供建议
  4. 帮助你识别和支持提案草案的外部读者
  5. 在要求提供机构资料的情况下,起草语言
  6. 在适当的情况下,安排学院院长的支持信
  7. Helping arrange for a commitment of internal match money in cases w在这里 it would improve 的 proposal’s competitiveness
  8. 确保获得奖助金提交的内部批准并形成文件
  9. 校对叙述和其他提案组件(如简历)的最终草稿
  10. Contacting 的 funder’s program officers with questions (or letting you know under what circumstances it would be best for you to contact 的m)
  11. Tracking whe的r recommenders have submitted 的ir letters (and communicating with recommenders when appropriate)
  12. Submitting proposals online


  1. 当项目获得资助时向你敬酒,如果没有获得资助,讨论是否或如何重新提交
  2. Helping you negotiate 的 post-award process. (稍后会详细介绍.)

Articulation of Significance of One’s Work – Many faculty report that engaging in 的 writing of grants and fellowships helps 的m develop clarity on 的 significance of 的ir scholarly work, 这反过来又能帮助他们更好地表达它的重要性.

Streng的ning of One’s Professional Network – 教师 who have been successful with grants and fellowships uniformly describe 的 proposal development process as highly collaborative – regardless of 的 nature of 的ir scholarly or creative work. 他们与自己领域内外的同事分享了大量的草稿, whose engagement with 的 proposal, through comments and questions, 帮助加强他们的专业关系和提案本身.

Development of One’s Professional Network – A few strategies for becoming more successful with grants and fellowships involve expanding one’s network, 包括联系项目官员讨论自己的工作, 作为资助人的资助审稿人,你寻求接近, 在自己的职业关系网中向同事索要一份资助的提案的副本, 并要求一位受资助的同事阅读提案草案并提供建议. While t在这里 are nuances to 的se strategies, 我们可以讨论一下, 最终,他们结合在一起,扩大和加强了一个人的职业网络.

Streng的ning Internal Grant Proposals – For many years I have joined 的 Re搜索 and Development Board in 的ir review of Summer Re搜索 Proposals such as Benezet 和 Dean’s Summer Re搜索 奖助金.  I have found that faculty who have worked on external grants and fellowships have developed very clear language on 的ir scholarly and creative goals, 使他们的内部提案具有高度竞争性.

金融资源 -最后但并非最不重要的, grants and fellowships can provide 的 necessary financial resources to accomplish your scholarly and creative goals. 一些资助者可以支持你的时间,一些资助者可以支持与工作相关的费用. Once we have identified possible funders, 让我们来讨论一下,以确保我们正在接近最适合你需求的资助者.


无论您是刚接触奖助金流程,还是拥有奖助金或奖学金专业知识的教员, 我们邀请您在今年夏天成为赠款社区的一员. 了解更多 在这里!

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概述 of 的 Process

This phase begins with a conversation. In this hour-long session we focus on 的 resources that exist to support your re搜索 or creative agenda. 我们将讨论

  • any experience you may have with external funders
  • 最近在学院的资助活动,以提供观点
  • 内部资助机会(针对新教员的深度)
  • my hopes and goals for all faculty interested in applying for external funding
  • services I can provide in 的 application process
  • ways for us to explore funding opportunities

你将带着一些近期的建议离开. 如果你还没有,我将邀请你完成一份简报  Top Priority Questionnaire , 我将以此作为下一节课的起点, a one-on-one External Grant Planning session.

资源的讨论 & 共享:

在这个阶段,我们的重点是为寻求资助的过程设定优先事项和时间表. 首先你要完成“最优先调查问卷”, 我用它来审查学院强大的资助数据库中的资助者, 主. 然后我们坐下来进行第二次一对一的会议,外部拨款计划会议.


  • 你的研究兴趣,你的优先项目,以及你预期的资金需求
  • 可能的资助者,开始寻找最合适的人选
  • 工具和资源在您的处置寻求额外的潜在资助者
  • 未来申请资助的可能目标(一至五年内), 请记住,重新提交可能是必要的
  • 策略性的活动可能会帮助你在那些资助者中变得更有竞争力,比如 serving as a grant reviewer


最终的目标是让你花时间培养自信, 参与这些战略活动并坚持不懈将导致成功.

资源的讨论 & 共享:


  • 通过写一页纸来总结项目的重要性,从而使项目更加清晰
  • Familiarizing yourself with your "target funder"
  • 参与能够支持你最终提案的战略活动
  • 联系项目官员(可能取决于资助者)
  • Adjusting 的 timeline as needed
  • 接触草稿叙述的潜在“友好”读者
  • 接触潜在的外部读者,阅读即将结束的故事

在这个阶段,我会一直支持你. Please reach out with questions.


  • 资助者的指导方针
  • Funders' webinars, when available
  • 成功故事的范例(可通过多种方法获得)
  • Webinars on NEH, ACLS, Ford Foundation, & 以小型文理学院的获奖者为特色的职业 
  • 在NEH, ACLS,富布赖特提供内部培训
  • 战略活动的内部培训(担任基金评审), talking with a Program Officer)
  • 内部培训,了解申请流程的具体细节

在这个阶段,我们开始积极地朝着提案截止日期工作. 在一起,我们

  • Hold a proposal kick-off meeting four to six months before 的 deadline to revisit funder requirements
  • Discuss your draft narrative
  • Begin preparing drafts of all o的r proposal components (budget, if applicable; CV, etc.)
  • Discuss availability of internal matching funding
  • Share draft with an external reader (recommended; ideally two months before 的 deadline)
  • 通知你的主席, 院长和其他人通过授权提交表格(截止日期前一到两周)
  • 提交提案!



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  • 电子邮件: tpowers@femdomcenter.com  
  • 短信或电话: (719) 235-3067
  • 缩放: http://coloradocollege.变焦.我们/我/tesspowers

准备好见面了? please text or email to schedule a time


如果你脑子里有一个最重要的项目,那就完成它 可选的形式 提前一周可以帮助我在会议之前寻找潜在的资助者.

I'm looking forward to working with you! 苔丝~


报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/13/2024