


每个学生都应该花几分钟观看这个非常有用的学习计划概述, with specific "how-to" guidance showing you exactly how to get courses approved via Summit, 以及如何为你的学习做好最好的准备:


Academic planning for your off-campus study experience should start early, with a conversation with your academic advisor about what major, 小, and all-College 需要ments you hope to fulfill with courses taken while off-campus, 如果有任何. Each student is different in what they hope to accomplish academically, 语言, 在国外的时候. 各系(专业), 未成年人)在接受校外课程以满足学位要求方面的政策各不相同, 你应该早点问 你们部门的政策.

You may be able to register for off-campus study courses well before your program begins, 或者你可能需要在到达国外的课程或大学时完成注册. 在所有情况下, 仔细的学术计划是必不可少的:知道如何转换潜在的学分(通过在Summit上输入它们), 了解CC内部任何部门的具体情况, 并且为你在校外的学习做一个计划, 你的第一选择是否不可用.

所有学生应通过赌博正规的十大网站要求的SUMMIT内部申请准确完整地填写课程批准表, 如果你在国外注册的课程与你最初输入的有变化,请确保更新表格. 这明确了你可以期望得到什么学分, which all-College and departmental 需要ments specific courses meet, 并通知你任何可以 可以转回CC.

国外信用 & 抄送单位

  • 在块计划上,一个单位的信用相当于4u.S. 学期学分,或 7.5个ECTS学分(可四舍五入). 因此, in order to receive a full semester of credit at 科罗拉多大学, 你将注册相当于16个学时的课程, 或30学分.

  • At 最低, 无论你的课程的最低学分/课程负荷是多少,你都需要注册:至少相当于每学期3 CC单元/12学期学分, 但有时不止于此, 这取决于你的课程和他们的最低要求. No exceptions are made for you to drop below the 最低 enrollment that your program specifies. You should work with your academic advisor to develop a plan for what kinds of courses (and how many units above the 最低 要求, 如果有任何) you need to take while studying off-campus to stay on-track towards graduation.

  • 最大 每学期允许转回CC的学分为5分.75cc单位. This amount is based on the 最大 potential of credit earned on campus, 包括被赋予重载权限的情况.

  • If you 将 be receiving a transcript directly from a foreign university, or if your program does 不 award credit based on semester hours, a credit equivalency determination 将 be made in Summit by the Registrar's Office. 如果你不确定要上多少课, 您应该通过Summit提交课程批准请求,从赌博正规的十大网站的注册主任处获得此学分等效信息, 并咨询你的学术顾问. Your program should also have this credit equivalency information available on their website.

  • If you are studying in a country where English is 不 the native language, you are 要求 by CC to take one course while abroad to study the local language (i.e.丹麦语、捷克语、泰国语、斯瓦希里语、匈牙利语等.).

  • 通过CC无障碍资源获得残疾相关外语课程替代的学生可以选修文化课而不是当地语言课程. 用于替代的课程必须事先得到无障碍资源办公室和全球教育办公室的批准.

可转让信用状 & 课程主题

  • Credit is given only for academic work that is liberal arts in nature. For example, credit 可以 be transferred for economics, but 不 necessarily for tourism studies. Likewise, applied music and art courses are accepted under conditions similar to those at CC. Credit 将 不 be awarded for courses that are very similar to, 或者大部分重复, 你在CC已经学过的课程.
  • 实习学分只有在你的最终成绩单上有实习学分的课程组成部分时才能转换为CC学分. 实习学分是一般学习学分. 实习的部门学分只有在CC各自部门的批准下才能获得.
  • It is always a good idea to save and bring back as much of your work (at 最低: course syllabi, 论文, 考试),以防在你返回时有任何关于学分转移或等效性的问题.
  • 请务必要求您的项目在您的项目完成后直接向CC注册办公室发送正式成绩单. 对于cc批准的合作伙伴项目,赌博正规的十大网站 直接接受课程的成绩报告(因此, you do 不 have to go through the "School of Record" option if one exists, (cc认可的合作伙伴计划).


  • 所有在CC批准的学习项目中尝试的课程都将记录在CC成绩单上,作为转学工作,无论获得多少学分. 这包括获得学分的课程(学生获得C-或更高)和没有获得学分的课程(相当于D或F)。. 转学工作不计入学生的GPA(见下文“转学政策”一节)。.
当您在Summit中提交课程批准请求时, 它首先被送到注册办公室, who 将 automatically determine whether a course meets all-College 需要ments (i.e. critical learning, language 需要ment), as well as how many units it 将 yield at CC. This 将 be reflected on your Course Approval Form in Summit once the Registrar has reviewed it.
另外, 如果您想将课程批准请求也转发给您的主要或次要部门主席, you'll have an opportunity to indicate this on the specific course approval request in Summit (如果你的部门使用Summit), and it 将 go to the appropriate person (usually the department chair), after the Registrar makes their initial determination of transferability to CC.

If you aren't sure which courses to request major or 小 credit for, or which would be most fitting or most likely to be approved, you should check first with your academic advisor in that department, 或者系主任. 它们通常可以帮助您确定在Summit中提交哪些课程批准请求. 你不应该只是笼统地提交许多课程批准请求,而不了解系主任为了批准课程的主要或次要要求而会寻找什么.

协助教务长和系主任, be sure to submit via SUMMIT the most detailed information about a course you have, 包括一个 教学大纲 只要有可能. 许多部门 需要 教学大纲, so do 不 skip this step; you may need to check with your partner program if this information is 不 readily available on the website for your program or university.
记住这一点 许多部门限制学分的数量 from off-campus study that may be used to fulfill major or 小 需要ments. If you need credits taken while you are off-campus to count toward your major or 小, 一定要提前咨询系主任,并确保你了解你的部门政策.

a 0可以吗?.75个单位等级完全满足cc要求?
一个完整的标准学期课程通常是3个学期学分,转回CC为0.75单元. If you have received approval in Summit from the Registrar for a 0.75个单元的课程算作全学院必修课程(如CC语言必修课程或特定的通用教育/批判性学习必修课程), 要知道,是的, 这个0.75 class 将 completely fulfill that one whole unit of CC 需要ment.
六学期学分的语言课程, 通过扩展, 实质上是双人间吗, and would completely fulfill the 2-unit CC Language Requirement with that 1.5单位. 总的来说,你还需要32个学分才能毕业,但是0.75单位等级 可以 被用来完全满足CC所有学院的要求, 经注册官在首脑会议上的适当批准. Most (but 不 all) academic departments at CC 将 also allow a 0.75个单元的课程被批准为主要/次要要求,以完全满足该要求. Check with your specific academic department if you have questions about their policy.

全大学学位要求指南 (请参阅“大专程度语文学习”一节下的“澄清”一节), 转学一门语言单元/课程的学生 offered at 科罗拉多大学 may take one block of a不her language offered at the College, 以完成他们的CC语言要求.
CC语言要求必须通过 仅限学术性学分课程, 并且不能通过语言沉浸或寄宿家庭等留学方式全部或部分地实现, 虽然这些都是有价值的语言学习环境,但我们强烈建议学生在国外学习时充分利用这些环境,以提高他们的经验和流利程度.


请参阅CC IRB的网站 获取有关您的义务和程序的信息,如果您计划在国外从事人类受试者研究时获得您希望转回CC学位的学分.

CC FACULTY-LED & Acm / glca waseda项目: 

所有赌博正规的十大网站的成绩 教师主导的项目和ACM/GLCA早稻田项目 会出现在学生的成绩单上,并被计入学生的累积平均绩点吗. 如果你在国外注册了CC课程(例如, 在CC学期项目上), you have the option of taking courses on a "pass/fail" basis. If you would like to change your grade track after arriving on-site with a CC program abroad, 你应该发邮件 registrar@femdomcenter.com. 一定要在邮件中注明你的项目名称. 就像你在校园里一样, you 将 have only until the fourth class session to change your grade track for CC programs.


所修课程 批准的合作伙伴计划和CC交流计划 将被记录为 转移信用, 个别课程的成绩不会出现在你的CC成绩单上,也不会被计入你的CC GPA(关西Gaidai项目除外), 记录成绩的地方). 学生 participating in these programs must take all classes for a grade, 并且需要获得相当于C-或更高的成绩才能将课程转回CC. When your credits are transferred back from one of these programs, you 将 see the course title and number of units earned for each class, 但没有分数(类似于AP或IB学分), 或者其他大学的转学分出现). Note: If you are studying at the London School of Economics (LSE), we combine both your final class grade and exam grade for each course, and use the average to determine if the credit transfers to CC (the equivalent of a C- or better).

虽然交换项目和批准的合作伙伴项目的成绩不会出现在你的CC成绩单上, keep in mind that if you plan to apply for graduate schools after CC, 大多数学校都要求你提供本科学习期间就读过的所有院校的正式成绩单. 在这种情况下, the admissions committee would consider your grades from your off-campus study experience(s), as well as your 科罗拉多大学 GPA and course information on your transcript.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 02/27/2024