

你有问题吗.  确定. 这很自然.  block Away是一个基于赌博正规的十大网站独特街区规划的概念.  我们希望我们有你正在寻找的答案.  回顾下面的主题,找出所有你想知道的赌博正规的十大网站的教师主导, 短期, 密集的, 身临其境的blocks away and abroad. 

听起来就像隔了一个街区, 科罗拉多大学的课程, 由赌博正规的十大网站的教师授课,并在学院的课程中占有一席之地, 但在科罗拉多斯普林斯校区以外的地方提供.  而许多校内课程可能包括当地或区域的实地经验, a CC块 Away is a course with a significant portion of the course taught at another location across the USA or around the world.  这些旅行项目可以包括10天或更长时间的标准时段,或者它可能意味着, 而且经常如此, 整个街区都在不同的地方上课.  无论是在纽约等其他国内目的地, 芝加哥, 洛杉矶, 或夏威夷, 或者是一个国际目的地,比如巴黎最近的街区, 雅典, 弗洛伦斯, 柏林, 哥斯达黎加, 印度, 或斯洛伐克. 

然而有些大学只在一月或五月提供一门课程的短期课程, 在赌博正规的十大网站, every block from September through Summer is a chance to take a course away from campus and blend experiential learning with fields of study ranging from the natural sciences to the humanities, 艺术, 以及介于两者之间的一切.  在一个典型的年份, 科罗拉多大学 offers between 12-18 study away blocks during its eight primary academic year blocks, 所以一年中的任何时候都可以通过CC块 Away来探索世界.  

所有CC街区都是赌博正规的十大网站的学分, 无需转帐, 所有的课程都是由CC的老师教授的,并且都是CC的同学, 创建一个与你分享经验的学习社区.  这是一个独特的学习机会, 适合新旅行者和有经验的环球旅行者.

学术部门在12月和1月报告他们下一年的时间表.  It is at this time when 全球教育 finalizes the roster of proposed off-campus blocks for the following year.  经过一段短暂的审查期, 全球教育为下一年整合了校外街区的全部组合.  我们的目标是在每年1月中旬之前准备好完整的作品集, 正好赶上我们的自习会, 2月和3月的主要申请窗口, 而且远远早于4月份秋季正式课程注册期.   当名单公布时, 列出所有校外街区机会的新页面, 会被添加到网站吗, 在上面的下拉菜单中的链接,并通过按钮上的所有主要阻止远离网页.  此外,学校亦会透过“今日@ CC”网站及电邮摘要通知所有学生, 教师, 和工作人员.

赌博正规的十大网站每年都提供各种各样的校外教学课程. The blocks for the following year are announced in January and the application "window" for all blocks opens with a Study Away Fair.  主应用程序窗口从2月1日运行到3月15日.  All students who apply during this window for the next year's blocks (from Block 1 in August all the way through Block 8 in May) are automatically reviewed for a potential aid award to cover travel costs.


1. 研究:  参加Block Away Fair,或访问全球教育网站了解每个Block产品.  与每个街区的学院领导交谈, 和你的导师谈谈该课程如何符合你的学术目标.  

2. 适用于峰会: 所有校外街区都要在Summit在线平台上填写申请表, 使用全球教育门户网站.  一旦提交,申请将由学院领导对每个模块进行审查.  Leaders may also require additional application steps such as a questionnaire or interview about the course and the student's interests.  每个模块的入学要求可能会有不同的处理方式, so interested students should contact the professor or department who is offering the course for any application/interview requirements. 助学金申请是在项目/课程申请中进行的. 

3. 填写网上表格:  一旦被录取, 首脑会议在线平台将提供新一轮所需文件.  学生 are notified of their acceptance in the program and should then return to Summit to complete these required forms and waivers.  一旦这些都完成了一个按钮将出现, 要求学生确认他们接受邀请加入项目名册.  

4. 类招生: 一旦所有需要的表格上传到顶峰, students will receive the Consent of Department (COD) Code needed to register for the course during standard pre-registration and registration periods for the Fall or Spring.  因为只有被旅游项目录取的学生才能参加这个课程, 重要的是“确认”参加峰会并收到COD代码.  确认并不能将学生锁定在经济承诺上, 就像所有学生一样,直到他们的课程获得学生确认 & 提款截止日期,提款不受经济处罚.  (有关提款的更多信息,请访问 封锁:计费 & 援助的网页.

学年的主要申请窗口从2月1日持续到3月15日.  A secondary application window exclusively for Block 7 or 8 programs is available each Fall during the school year's first block, though we recommend applying in the spring as some Block 7 or 8 programs may fill during this period and remain closed during the secondary fall window.  如果程序在主应用程序窗口后仍然打开, 学生可稍后申请, 然而, aid awards are not as likely outside of the application window as all aid may be assigned to students who have applied during the February-March period.  

环球教育建议在每年的申请期尽早申请.  为什么? 因为许多学院采用先到先批的滚动录取流程. 这意味着一些程序可能会在3月15日申请窗口结束日期之前关闭. 

可以在3月15日截止日期之后申请吗?  在很多情况下确实如此, 然而 there are courses which will close to new applications once they are full and have a reasonable course waitlist.  另外,每年的援助资金有限也是事实, 在3月15日截止日期之后申请的学生不包括在最初的助学金审查中.  这可能会大大降低学生获得助学金的可能性.  The best way to ensure that you receive full consideration for an aid award (as well as a spot in the course) is to apply within the application window. 


它可以同时应用于多个街区项目.  就像选择大学一样, 我们建议你对自己申请的街区进行排名.  一旦你收到接受通知,你就可以决定你要加入哪个区块. 然后,您应该返回Summit以完成两个任务, 首先填写录取后表格并确认您所选择的街区, 和第二, to use the blue "Request Cancellation" button to withdraw from all of the other blocks which you have not chosen.  Failure to withdraw from the other blocks could lead to program fee charges once the Student Commitment & 撤回的截止日期已过. 


It is possible to participate in multiple blocks away (Academic Year or Summer) within the same calendar or academic year, 但有一些重要的考虑因素需要考虑.  

  • 如果你希望获得奖学金来支付项目费用和机票费用, 你应该记住,所有学生在他们的CC职业生涯中只能获得2个Block Away奖项, so participating in more than 2 individual Blocks Away would require self-funding for the expenses of the trip. 

  • 虽然许多旅行者可以在没有签证的情况下访问我们的计划目的地国家, 这通常仅限于在任何6个月(180天)内停留不超过90天.  这可能会给希望在一年内参加多个项目的学生带来问题, 或者将一个街区与一个学期或半学期的项目配对. 大多数CC教师主导的项目不符合长期居留学生签证的条件, so it may not always be possible to combine block and other programs in the same year due to visa constraints.  如果您正在考虑在同一学年或日历年的任何课程组合, you should speak with 全球教育 to determine if you may have any visa restrictions that could produce issues for your planned combination of programs.  

所有的校外宿舍都收取高于学期学费和住宿费的项目费用 & 板的费用. You can find out all the details about block away program fees and aid available for our blocks away on the 街区外:计费 & 援助的网页.

是的. 学生 who receive need-based aid for their studies on campus are automatically considered for an aid award if they apply for an off-campus block during the standard application window. 你可以在网站上了解更多关于阻挡援助的信息 街区外:计费 & 援助的网页
不,不是的. 学生 taking 1 block away during the fall or spring retain their housing assignment on 科罗拉多大学's campus and are able to leave their belongings in their rooming assignment, 除了今年的最后一个街区.  学生 who are departing campus for a Block 8 off-campus course should plan on moving out of their campus housing at the conclusion of Block 7. 
学生 do not receive a refund of housing costs for a 1-block study abroad program as they retain their rooming assignment.  但是,有膳食计划的学生将获得1块膳食积分的报销. This money is provided to students via direct deposit and should be used to purchase meals while participating in the Block Away course. 
不是真正的. 所有跨越多个模块的课程都被认为是学期或半学期课程.  它们有不同的应用和财务模型.  你可以在我们的 学期结束网页.

即将到来的最后期限 &  几个街区外的信息集市

第七或第八组申请截止日期:  2024年9月18日:  

All students who apply to a Block 7 or Block 8 off-campus course by this date are reviewed for aid eligibility and aid awards are granted by early October.  申请可以在窗口外接受, 但在9月份窗口关闭后,可能无法获得援助.   Please check with the 教师 leader of your preferred course about capacity in the course before applying.

  CC块 & 学期自习会: 2025年1月30日

于2025街区30日中午12点至下午2点在沃纳中心大厅举行 & 学期学习博览会将有表代表所有的下一年的block Away选项. It is the perfect one-stop shop to explore all the options and find the perfect block away course for you. 

2025-2026封锁申请窗口: 2月1日- 3月15日. 2025

申请截止日期为3月15日.  All students who apply during this window are reviewed for aid eligibility and aid awards are granted by late March.  申请可以在窗口外接受, 但在3月份窗口关闭后,可能无法获得援助. 

提款期限呢?? 什么时候??

学生承诺的完整清单 & 所有2024-2025年街区的退出截止日期可在 街区外:计费 & 援助的网页

Possession of a valid passport and any appropriate visas for entry to a program destination country is essential for participation in any study abroad program.  有关护照要求的详情, 签证流程, and potential concerns for students who seek to engage in multiple study away programs in the same year, 请浏览我们的 资格 & 政策网站 并回顾所提供的信息.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/10/2024