
A variety of offices, departments, programs, 和 committees support faculty re搜索 和 development. The following overview aims to help faculty plan ahead for internal funding opportunities. 教师 should wait until calls for proposals are issued before submitting applications.


The College provides support towards attendance at one conference per year for all full-time 和 adjunct faculty. 院长办公室将提供1美元的固定资金,600 toward the cost of presenting at a national conference 和 $750 toward the cost of attending a national conference. 每年春天,系里的助理都会收集教员的请求. Divisional Executive Committees accept requests for support for second conferences.


三个部门各有大约80美元,为学院的研究和发展拨款. 一般来说,提案在学年早期被接受用于研究 & development activities that will take place that academic year or the following summer. 通常, the call is issued via email in the fall, with the deadline at the beginning of Block 3.


The College supports several grants for summer re搜索 和 scholarship including the Mrachek Fellowship Program 和 the DOF Summer Re搜索 Grant. 这些补助金提供4800美元用于支付学术旅行费用, 设备, 书, 或其他类似的费用,并有不同的资格要求. 通常, the call is issued via email in Block 6, with the deadline in Block 7.


奖助金 for faculty who involve students in the faculty member's re搜索 activities 和 provide these students with a first-h和 re搜索 experience as undergraduates. 该助学金支付给学生5400美元,为期9周. 教师导师的研究费用最高可达500美元. 通常, the call is issued via email in Block 5, 第六部分的截止日期.


The Dean's Office 和 the Asian Studies Program have established a re搜索 fund for 科罗拉多大学 faculty who participate in a variety of Asian-related activities. 通过盖洛德太平洋地区研究基金会的条款, the Dean's Office 和 the Asian Studies Program support projects in or about countries/regions that touch on the Pacific Ocean. 通常, 这个号召是通过电子邮件和在第2块的教员摘要中发出的, 第三部分的截止日期. There is often a second call in block 6 with a deadline near or during spring break. 在秋天和春天, 在审查建议书后, funding recommendations are put forward by an Asian Studies ad hoc faculty committee, 但这些决定是通过院长办公室最终确定的. Feel free to e-mail the Director of the Asian Studies program should you have any questions.


每年秋季, 终身教职, 讲师, 和常规, part-time faculty are invited by the Dean to apply for a faculty development block to be awarded for the following academic year. The block of release time is intended to support faculty re搜索 和 scholarship. 每年大约有4到6人获奖. 通常, the call is issued via email in Block 1, with the deadline in Block 2.


每年初秋, the 学院院长 will invite eligible faculty to apply for a sabbatical leave in the following academic year. 建议将由学院研究及发展委员会审核. 教师 may choose full-year or half-year sabbatical leaves - an eight-block leave at 5/9th salary or a four-block leave at full salary. 通常, the call is issued via email in Block 1, with the deadline in Block 2.


The Crown 教师 Center offers a number of initiatives to support 和 promote productive scholarship at CC. The Manuscript Workshops bring together a CC faculty member 和 up to three experts in their field for an intensive two-day seminar discussing 和 revising the faculty member's manuscript. 通常, the call is issued via email in Block 5, with the deadline at the beginning of Block 7.


以海伦·杰克逊命名, 海伦·亨特·杰克逊的侄孙女, 杰克逊奖学金 grants provide support to 科罗拉多大学 faculty involved in scholarship or course development on themes with southwestern content. 该项目由海伦·杰克逊和威廉·S·杰克逊基金会资助. 杰克逊家庭基金. 呼叫通常在Block 5通过电子邮件发出,最后期限在Block 6.


赛格威计划 ("Spurring/Supporting 外部资助") is designed to position faculty to be more competitive for external funding; to assist faculty who have been awarded external grants, often through required or voluntary matching grants; 和 to invest in the College's re搜索 environment. Funding decisions are made by the SEGway Committee, represented by each of the divisions. 申请以滚动方式接受.


The Paul Frederick 谢弗罗马天主教研究基金 awards grants to students 和 faculty for travel/study 和 social justice projects, 提供图书馆资料, 资助在罗马天主教社区服务机构实习, 并支持客座讲师和访客. 基金的一部分由 宗教学系 to support Religion faculty 和 students whose projects are related to their work in the Department. The remainder of the fund is administered by the Provost's Office with the help of the 谢弗基金咨询委员会. 委员会有宗教部的代表, 宗教系以外的教职员工, 学生群体, 科罗拉多斯普林斯教区, 和学院的牧师. The 谢弗基金咨询委员会 offers six deadlines a year: the first Monday of Blocks 2, 3, 4, 5, 下午5点6个.m.


通常在第六区, the Natural Sciences Executive Committee issues a call for proposals from faculty for support from the Taber Fund ($500 for student conference travel), 林德曼基金(化学或物理学生研究奖学金), 和 the Dille Fund (for a re搜索 fellowship for a student wishing to pursue a career in secondary education in a STEM field). 截止日期通常在Block 7的早期.


The Figge 和 Bourquin endowments are dedicated to supporting students who plan on careers in the medical profession (i.e.(学前教育学生)或正在进修医学学科的学生. Not every re搜索 project needs to be medical in nature since re搜索 experiences in other fields are beneficial to pre-health students. 通常, the call is issued via email by the Health Professions Advisory Committee in Block 5, 第六部分的截止日期.


克雷斯格科学倡议基金支持科学设备的更换, 新设备, 和, 在一定程度上, 设备的维护. 自然科学系主任, 包括化学, 地质, 数学, 和计算机科学, 分子生物学, 有机体生物学与生态学, 物理, 和 Psychology 和 Neuroscience are invited to submit proposals to the Dean's Office. 通常,在区块3中通过电子邮件发出呼叫,在区块4中发出截止日期. 请联系戴尔·威尔逊,学院院长助理,了解更多信息.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/11/2024