
赫尔伯特中心自豪地支持教师研究通过 杰克逊奖学金. The Center also recognizes outstanding scholarly re搜索 on the southwest region through the 约瑟夫T. 戈登奖.


以海伦·杰克逊命名, 海伦·亨特·杰克逊的侄孙女, 杰克逊奖学金 grants provide support to 科罗拉多大学 faculty involved in scholarship or course development on themes with southwestern content. 该项目由海伦·杰克逊和威廉·S·杰克逊基金会资助. 杰克逊家庭基金.


2013 - 2020年的颁奖典礼

2012 - 2013年的颁奖典礼

玛格丽特·多尔蒂, Assistant 化学教授 and Biochemistry:"Selected Topics in Chemistry"

艾米丽灰色, Assistant Professor of Biology: "Evolution of Thermal Tolerance in the Mosquito Species 库蚊Tarsalis"

圣地亚哥Guerra西南研究客座助理教授:黑手党和La Chota:南德克萨斯-墨西哥边境地区的毒品贩运和治安”


克里斯蒂娜Leza, 人类学助理教授:“图书项目:分裂的国家:政策”, 行动主义与美国本土认同.S.墨西哥边境”

布莱恩Linkhart, Associate Professor and Chair of Biology: "Mitigating the Effects of Fire Suppression in Pine Forests: How Does Forest Thinning Affect Populations of Flammulated Owls"

菲比Lostroh, Associate Professor of Biology: "Recovering Antiobiotic Resistance Genes from Southwestern Soil Bacteria, 第二部分“

莎莉迈耶, 化学教授, “基于社区的基瓦普韦布洛研究, 支持能源效率的发展, 可再生能源, and Ranch Land Restoration by Combining Traditional Knowledge with Western Science"

Michael O 'Riley 法语和意大利语系系主任兼副教授, “后殖民时代的陶斯:艺术, 文化, 历史, 和景观”

埃里克•Perramond 西南研究副教授 & 环境项目主席, “难以驾驭的水域:治理”, 正义, 和新墨西哥州的生态力量"

2011 - 2012年的颁奖典礼

艾米莉灰色, 参观者:“蚊子耐热性的进化。 库蚊Tarsalis"

莎拉•Hautzinger 人类学副教授:“图书项目研究: 部署强调:全球反恐战争中的“后方”社区"

维多利亚·莱文, 音乐教授:“正在进行的图书项目研究:玉池社交舞、歌曲与林地礼仪"

布莱恩Linkhart 生物学副教授:“与学生进行研究;Mitigation of Fire Suppression in Pine Forests: How Does Forest Thinning Affect Populations of Flammulated Owls?"

莎莉迈耶, Director of 西南航空研究 and 化学教授: "New Course Development: 《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》"

劳拉·帕迪拉, Assistant Professor of English:" Completion of Manuscript Project for Book - 魅力之地,魔歌之地: 新墨西哥文学的四个论点"

Eric Perramond, Director of Environmental Studies and 西南研究副教授: "Re搜索 on the Formation of Hydraulic Expertise and Water Governance in 新墨西哥"

丹·泰南,英语教授:“新课程发展: Toward an Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Environmental Literature: Nature as Character in Fiction and Non-fiction Storytelling"

2010 - 2011年的颁奖典礼

唐Chiras, Block 访问or: "可再生能源 in the Southwest: Course Development and Field Re搜索: Course Development and Field Re搜索"

斯坦利·克劳福德 Block 访问or: "Readings in the Literature of the Southwest: Course Development"

玛格丽特·多尔蒂, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry: "Diabetes in Native American Populations of the Southwest"

艾米莉灰色, Assistant Professor of Biology: "Identification of Altitudinal Clines for the Study of Environmental Adaptation in the Mosquito 库蚊Tarsalis"

彼得·哈尼, 团体参观者:“SW175课程开发:土地”, 国人民, 《赌博正规的十大网站》

斯蒂芬•哈里斯, Block 访问or: "Climate, Water and Agriculture in the American Southwest"

莎拉Hautzinger,人类学副教授:Soldier-Family Wellness: Anthropological Study of Army Civilian Cultural Relations"

理查德柄, Professor of Physics: "The 2010 Archacoastronomy Workshop sponsored by the Conference on Archacoastronomy of the American Southwest, 于3月11日和12日举行, 2010年凤凰城, 亚利桑那州”

马克·莱文, Block 访问or: "Theory and Methods of Community Based Re搜索 in the Southwest, 课程发展与衔接”

维多利亚·莱文, Professor of Music: "Preparation of Book-Length Stufy of Music in the Ruben Cobos Collection of Spanish New Mexican Folklore, 在这里的特殊收藏的声音档案”

布莱恩Linkhart, Associate Professor of Biology: "The Effects of Forest Thinning on Flammulated Owls (辣子鸡 flammeolus在科罗拉多州"

菲比Lostroh, Associate Professor of Biology: "Recovering Antibiotic Resistance Genes from Southwestern Soil Bacteria"

马里奥Montano, Professor of Anthropology: "Oral 历史 and Rio Grande: Agency Environmental Justice and the Texas Mexican Border"

Eric Popkin社会学副教授:“当代美国移民.S. 墨西哥边境计划”

大卫Torres-Rouff, Professor of 历史: "The Bear Flag Revolt and its Pacific Connections: 历史 and Memory in California and Chile"

2009 - 2010年的颁奖典礼

莎拉Hautzinger,人类学副教授:Soldier-Family Wellness: An Anthropological Study of Army-Civilian Cultural Relations"


维多利亚·莱文, 音乐教授:“玉池交舞歌曲与林地仪式”

布莱恩Linkhart, Associate Professor of Biology: "The Effects of Forest Thinning on Flammulated Owls (辣子鸡 flammeolus在科罗拉多州"

劳拉·帕迪拉, 英语助理教授:EN280课程准备, 美国土著文学概论

Eric Perramond, 西南研究副教授: "Regional Political Ecologies of the Southwest"

大卫Torres-Rouff, Professor of 历史: " 使 洛杉矶; Race, Space, and Municipal Power, 1822-1890"

2008 - 2009年的颁奖典礼

维多利亚·莱文, Professor of Music: a re搜索 project with detailed analysis and musicological comparisons of Mississippi Choctaw social dance songs recorded by Frances Densmore in 1933 with Okahoma Choctaw social dance songs Professor Levine recorded in 1985.

布莱恩Linkhart, Professor of Biology: re搜索 to determine how thinning ponderosa pine (西黄松)森林会影响金斑猫头鹰的繁殖种群(辣子鸡 flammeolus在科罗拉多州.

马里奥Montano, Professor of Anthropology: field based re搜索 project to develop a course with the purpose of assisting students to examine various environmental and cultural issues related to the Southwest, 重点是格兰德河流域.

Eric Perramond, Professor of 西南航空研究 and Environmental Science: new re搜索 for course development and scholarship on a recently taught course SW301: 西南的政治生态.

Eric Popkin, Professor of Sociology: continuing re搜索 on a 10 year project examining Salvadoran migrant hometown associations in 洛杉矶 . The re搜索 will result in a paper that seeks to contribute to the emerging literature on hometown associations.

大卫Torres-Rouff, Professor of 历史: revise and rewrite a book manuscript incorporating new re搜索. 这本书的题目是 使 洛杉矶; Race, Space and Municipal Power, 1822-1890.

雷顿彼得森, Professor of Anthropology: to finish rough-cut editing and post production work on 失去了部落, a documentary film exploring identities and histories which transect in the annual Columbus Day protest in Denver Colorado by Native Americans.

玛丽安短距起落, Professor Emeritus-Anthropology: for technical support in the preparation of a monograph on the 17th century Spanish Colonial Sanchez Site near La Cienega, 新墨西哥.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/14/2023