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The Colorado College Alumni Association Council (AAC) created and supports the 科罗拉多大学校友会学生领袖奖学金, a loan-reducing scholarship that is designed to recognize student leaders on campus and encourage them to stay involved with CC after graduation.

Recipients of this award are well-rounded students with strong leadership qualities and a broad outreach among their classmates, the school, and the community. 奖学金的竞争将培养出最优秀、最聪明的未来校友领袖.

This scholarship is available for sophomores and juniors on financial aid and is awarded each spring for the following academic year. 下一学年的申请将在早春开始. 奖学金金额不低于5000美元,用于2024-25学年. 



Please visit to apply. 所有受助人必须有资格获得经济援助. It is intended that the scholarship be used to replace a portion of the loans the recipient would otherwise have to acquire, 从而减少学生毕业时的总债务. 奖学金授予大二学生,在大三期间使用, 和/或三年级学生,用于收件人的大四.

在申请学生干部奖学金之前, 请借此机会了解更多有关AAC的资料 on our website

如有疑问或要求更多信息,请联系Eric Greenwood 你也可以联系校友和家庭关系办公室 or (719) 389-6775.

About the AAC

The mission of the Colorado College Alumni Association Council (AAC) is to advance the general interests of the college and its alumni; to promote the college as a liberal arts institution of excellence with both national and international distinction, 促进校友参与学院事务.

Members of the AAC are alumni who have demonstrated their leadership skills in various volunteer capacities for the college such as alumni admission representatives, career volunteers, fundraisers, events volunteers.

In the below video, 2022-23奖学金获得者Libby Lazzara '23分享了CC学生的信息, 鼓励申请AAC学生领袖奖学金.



Lydia Hussein '24 


Major: History
Minor: 新闻学与博物馆学
Hometown: Miami, Florida

Favorite CC Memory: 在我们夏天离开之前和朋友们在街区8一起参加暮光马拉松.

迄今为止最喜欢的课程: Thesis sequence

After you graduate, how will you use the skills you’ve learned so far to be an advocate for CC among your classmates and other alumni?

CC教会了我与你的社区保持联系是多么重要, 无论是CC的学生还是背景相似的学生. 在这里,我学会了如何在我舒适的空间之外成为一名团队成员. I plan on continuing this skill after graduating by staying in touch with my peers through social media and online communication so that I may keep these valuable personal and professional relationships. I will then hopefully be able to use this space to advocate for future BIPOC and low-income students, 因为我们在CC都有共同的历史. I hope this will give us more power in the future to advocate for the issues on campus which we often feel are ignored today, 比如住房不平等和财政援助支持的增加.

你打算如何利用你在CC的经历,用你的时间回馈CC, talent, and treasure?

I know firsthand how difficult it can be to exist in a place like CC as a financially independent student of color. 你有这么多特权, 而且似乎没有人会赌博正规的十大网站内部的需求程度眨两眼. At college, 我靠在校园里打工养活自己, 有时要做五份工作来支付账单, food, and other necessities. It's especially isolating when so many of your friends and peers can't relate to such struggles. I hope to give back to these students by giving my resources to the students who are working daily just to keep up. I would devote my future donations and community-building skills to creating a grant for students with no support from their families. 对我来说,平等始于学生开始关注他们的未来,而不是明天.

Misbah Lakhani '24


Major: 女性主义与性别研究
Hometown: Houston, Texas

Favorite CC Memory: Going to the hot springs with my fellow majors and building community through acts of self-care.

迄今为止最喜欢的课程: Gender, Body, and Sound. 这是一个结合了音乐和女权主义理论的神奇街区. 这是真正的跨学科课程,也是我上过的最有创意的课程之一.

After you graduate, how will you use the skills you’ve learned so far to be an advocate for CC among your classmates and other alumni?

I know that this school, 尤其是女权主义和性别研究系, 帮助我了解了什么是关怀, what is community, 以及如何建设更美好的未来. Learning to implement them in my life and those of my peers are priceless skills CC has provided me with.

你打算如何利用你在CC的经历,用你的时间回馈CC, talent, and treasure?

After graduation, I plan on helping the younger folx in my life to deeply and seriously consider a liberal arts education. I, personally, 不知道文理学院是什么, 更少人知道它的教育价值. I hope to continue to be in touch with the CC community and be able to provide any support where I can as an alum!

 Tess Rittenberg '25


Major: Sociology
Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Denver, Colorado

Favorite CC Memory: 与戏剧工作室共同导演和表演一场演出!

迄今为止最喜欢的课程: 身体哲学:身体与力量

After you graduate, how will you use the skills you’ve learned so far to be an advocate for CC among your classmates and other alumni?

通过CCSGA和会长理事会为他人发声, 我知道如何倡导政策变革,并与政府保持密切的关系. I have provided the student perspective on mental health, anti-racism, college rankings, and more. After graduating, I will celebrate CC and alumni success but be unafraid to speak about what needs to be changed. I will maintain connections with alumni and staff and ensure that we keep supporting and creating policies that benefit students, not just alumni. 我想继续做出大胆的选择, 随着时代的变化而适应, and foster an inclusive space where students feel heard by the students that came before them.

你打算如何利用你在CC的经历,用你的时间回馈CC, talent, and treasure?

作为校友,成为未来学生的导师对我来说很重要. 在我找工作的过程中,校友导师一直是无价之宝. 通过支持PIFP计划等长期倡议, 我可以帮助下一代改变世界. 作为招生大使, I can help prospective students as well as future ones by giving them the “inside scoop” on CC. 我也会接受新的消息, feedback, 以及来自我曾经参与过的校园社区的问题. 到目前为止,CC对我来说是一个形成性的经历, 我不希望这些经历在我毕业的时候成为回忆. In the future, I will make sure to talk about CC with pride and always be a resource and mentor for staff and future students.

Victoria Rosa '25

Student-picture-for-AAC-Page.jpgMajor: Neuroscience

Minor: Biochemistry
Hometown: Naperville, Illinois

Favorite CC Memory: Favorite CC Memory: Attending the ACS (American Chemical Society) Spring National Meeting in San Diego over my sophomore year spring break. I am very grateful to have been awarded a conference presentation grant which afforded me the opportunity to travel and present my research and engage with the global chemistry community. It was a very fun and empowering experience and I am grateful to have attended with a wonderful group from CC. 

迄今为止最喜欢的课程: Sally Meyer教授的普通化学II和Lori Driscoll教授的神经药理学. Through General Chemistry II I fell in love with the beauty of chemistry and the potential to explore and make sense of the world through the lens of chemistry. Neuropharmacology is an incredibly engaging course: both because of the style of teaching and the course content we explore.

After you Graduate how will you use the skills you've learned so far to be an advocate for CC among your classmates and other alumni?

When I graduate, 我希望保持与同龄人的关系, faculty, and staff of the college. I hope to also grow relationships with new students so that I am able to support the changing needs of the CC community. 我相信学生们通常能更好地识别出需要改变的地方, 但在追求制度变革的同时也要平衡课程, extracurriculars, 就业也非常困难. 通过CC,我体验到了团结在一起的力量, sharing experiences, 作为一个团体来解决问题. 我希望能分担指导CC未来的责任.

你打算如何利用你在CC的经历,用你的时间回馈CC, talent, and treasure?

Through CC I have had the pleasure to be mentored by many incredible individuals; this mentorship has allowed me to grow as both a scientist and an individual. After I graduate, I hope to continually serve as a mentor to future students that aspire to pursue careers as research scientists. 如果没有捐助者的慷慨支持,我不可能进入CC. As I progress in my career I hope to be able to financially support initiatives to alleviate food and housing insecurity on our campus.  

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/29/2024
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Contact Information


Mailing Address:

Colorado College
东Cache La Poudre街14号
Phone: (719) 389-6775
Fax: (719) 389-6754

Visiting Address:
Tutt Alumni House