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Colorado College Alumni Association Student Leader Scholarship

赌博正规的十大网站校友会理事会(AAC)创建并支持赌博正规的十大网站校友会学生领袖奖学金, 这是一项减免贷款的奖学金,旨在表彰校园里的学生领袖,并鼓励他们在毕业后继续参与CC.

此奖项的得奖者均为全面发展的学生,具有很强的领导才能,并在同学中有广泛的联系, the school, and the community. Competition for the scholarship brings out the best and brightest of future alumni leaders.

该奖学金适用于获得经济援助的大二和大三学生,每年春季颁发给下一学年. Applications are available for the upcoming academic year in early spring. Scholarships of at least $5,000 will be awarded for use in the 2024-25 academic year. 

       The 2024 AAC Student Leader Scholarship Application is now open!

Requirements and How to Apply 

Please visit to apply. All recipient(s) must be eligible to receive financial aid. 它的目的是用奖学金来代替一部分的贷款,否则接受者将不得不获得, thereby reducing the student’s total debt at graduation. The scholarship is awarded to either a sophomore for use in the recipient’s junior year, and/or a junior for use in the recipient’s senior year.

Before applying for the Student Leader Scholarship, please take the opportunity to learn more about the AAC on our website

For questions or to request more information, contact Eric Greenwood at You may also reach out to the Office of Alumni and Family Relations at or (719) 389-6775.

About the AAC

The mission of the Colorado College Alumni Association Council (AAC) is to advance the general interests of the college and its alumni; to promote the college as a liberal arts institution of excellence with both national and international distinction, and promote the participation of alumni in the college’s affairs.

校友会的成员是校友,他们在各种志愿活动中表现出领导才能,如校友入学代表, career volunteers, fundraisers, events volunteers.

In the below video, 2022-23 scholarship awardee Libby Lazzara '23 shares a message for current CC students, encouraging applications for the AAC Student Leader Scholarship.


2023 Student Leader Scholarship Recipients 

Lydia Hussein '24 


Major: History
Minor: Journalism and Museum Studies
Hometown: Miami, Florida

Favorite CC Memory: Having Twilight marathons with friends during Block 8 before we all leave for the summer.

Favorite Class Thus Far: Thesis sequence

After you graduate, 你将如何运用你所学到的技能,在你的同学和其他校友中倡导CC?

CC has taught me just how important it is to stay connected with your community, be it CC students at large or within smaller groups of students with similar backgrounds. Here, I learned how to be a team player beyond spaces within my comfort level. 我计划在毕业后继续这项技能,通过社交媒体和在线交流与我的同龄人保持联系,这样我就可以保持这些宝贵的个人和职业关系. 然后,我希望能够利用这个空间来倡导未来的BIPOC和低收入学生, as we will all still have our history at CC in common. 我希望这将给我们更多的力量在未来倡导校园问题,我们经常觉得今天被忽视了, such as housing inequity and increased financial aid support.

How do you plan to use your experiences at CC to give back to CC with your time, talent, and treasure?

我亲身体会到,作为一名经济独立的有色人种学生,在CC这样的地方生存是多么困难. You are surrounded by so much privilege, and no one seems to blink twice at the degree of need from within CC. At college, I have supported myself by working on campus, at times having as many as five jobs to pay for bills, food, and other necessities. 当你的许多朋友和同龄人都无法体会到这种挣扎时,你会感到特别孤独. 我希望通过把我的资源给那些每天努力学习的学生来回报这些学生. 我将把我未来的捐款和社区建设技能用于为那些没有家庭支持的学生创建一个助学金. To me, equity starts when students can begin to focus on their future, instead of tomorrow.

Misbah Lakhani '24


Major: Feminist and Gender Studies
Hometown: Houston, Texas

Favorite CC Memory: 和我的专业同学一起去泡温泉,通过自我照顾建立社区.

Favorite Class Thus Far: Gender, Body, and Sound. It was an amazing block that combines music and feminist theory. It was truly interdisciplinary and one of the most creative classes I have taken.

After you graduate, 你将如何运用你所学到的技能,在你的同学和其他校友中倡导CC?

I know that this school, and especially the Feminist and Gender Studies Department, has been instrumental in helping me learn what is care, what is community, and how to build towards a better future. 学会在我和我的同龄人的生活中实施它们是CC为我提供的无价技能.

How do you plan to use your experiences at CC to give back to CC with your time, talent, and treasure?

After graduation, 我打算帮助我生命中的年轻人深入而认真地考虑文科教育. I, personally, did not know what a liberal arts school was, much less know the value of its education. 我希望继续与CC社区保持联系,并能够提供任何支持,我可以作为一个校友!

 Tess Rittenberg '25


Major: Sociology
Minor: Spanish
Hometown: Denver, Colorado

Favorite CC Memory: Co-directing and acting in a show with Theatre Workshop!

Favorite Class Thus Far: Philosophies of the Body: Bodies and Power

After you graduate, 你将如何运用你所学到的技能,在你的同学和其他校友中倡导CC?

Through being a voice for others via CCSGA and President’s Council, I know how to advocate for policy changes and have a strong rapport with the administration. 我提供了学生对心理健康、反种族主义、大学排名等方面的看法. After graduating, 我会庆祝CC和校友们的成功,但也不害怕说出需要改变的地方. 我将与校友和员工保持联系,确保我们继续支持和制定有利于学生的政策, not just alumni. I want to continue to make bold choices, adapt to the times as they change, 并营造一个包容的空间,让学生们感受到前辈们的倾听.

How do you plan to use your experiences at CC to give back to CC with your time, talent, and treasure?

It is important to me to be a mentor for future students as an alumni. Throughout my career searches, alumni mentors have been invaluable. By supporting long-standing initiatives such as the PIFP program, I can help the next generation make a change in the world. As an Admissions Ambassador, 我可以通过提供CC的“内幕消息”来帮助未来的学生和未来的学生. I also will be open to receiving news, feedback, and questions from the campus communities I've been a part of. CC has been a formative experience for me so far, and I don’t want those experiences to become just memories when I graduate. In the future, 我一定会自豪地谈论CC,永远是员工和未来学生的资源和导师.

Victoria Rosa '25

Student-picture-for-AAC-Page.jpgMajor: Neuroscience

Minor: Biochemistry
Hometown: Naperville, Illinois

Favorite CC Memory: 最喜欢的CC记忆:在我大二的春假期间参加了在圣地亚哥举行的ACS(美国化学学会)春季全国会议. 我非常感谢获得会议演讲资助,这使我有机会旅行,展示我的研究,并与全球化学社区接触. 这是一次非常有趣和充满力量的经历,我很感激能和来自CC的优秀团队一起参加. 

Favorite Class Thus Far: General Chemistry II with Sally Meyer and Neuropharmacology with Lori Driscoll. 通过普通化学II,我爱上了化学之美,爱上了通过化学的镜头探索和理解世界的潜力. 神经药理学是一门非常吸引人的课程:因为教学风格和我们探索的课程内容.


When I graduate, I hope to maintain the relationships I have with my peers, faculty, and staff of the college. 我也希望与新学生发展关系,这样我就能够支持CC社区不断变化的需求. I do believe students often are better able to identify areas where change is needed, but pursing institutional change while also balancing coursework, extracurriculars, and employment is very difficult. Through CC I have experienced the power that lies in coming together, sharing experiences, and working to problem solve as a community. I hope to share in the responsibility of guiding the future of CC.

How do you plan to use your experiences at CC to give back to CC with your time, talent, and treasure?

Through CC I have had the pleasure to be mentored by many incredible individuals; this mentorship has allowed me to grow as both a scientist and an individual. After I graduate, 我希望能继续成为未来立志从事科研工作的学生的导师. I would not have been able to attend CC without the generous support of donors. 随着我职业生涯的发展,我希望能够在经济上支持缓解校园食物和住房不安全的举措.  

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/29/2024
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Contact Information


Mailing Address:

Colorado College
14 East Cache La Poudre Street
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Phone: (719) 389-6775
Fax: (719) 389-6754

Visiting Address:
Tutt Alumni House
1205 North Cascade Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903