Returning Student 住房选择 常见问题解答s


  • 房屋选择是分层的.
  • Rising Seniors will select senior spaces in early December from 2-5pm
  • 不断上升的二年级的学生 & Rising Juniors will begin housing selection in late February.
    • 住房协议 & 室友匹配将于2月底在StarRez门户网站http://coloradocollege对所有符合条件的学生开放

What happens after I sign my housing agreement?

  • 一旦你签署了住房协议,你就进入了选房的过程.
  • Lottery numbers will be sent out to students after Spring break


  • CC does not require a housing deposit to secure housing.

I took a leave of absence this semester, am I still eligible to participate?

  • 如果你在春季学期休假,并打算在即将到来的秋季学期返回, 请联系 欲知更多资料.

What is CC’s 居民ial Requirement?

  • 住宅需求 is a critical part of the 科罗拉多大学 experience. 因此,所有学生在CC注册的前三年都必须住在校园里.

If I live on campus, am I required to have a meal plan?

I need an exception to the meal plan, who do I contact?


  • 抽签号码/选择时间将在住房选择日期之前通过他们的CC电子邮件地址通过电子邮件发送给符合条件的学生.


  • Lottery numbers are determined by academic standing and class year 
  • To ensure we have enough spaces for students that are 要求住校, spaces for seniors will be limited. 那些获得摇号但未能选择名额的高年级学生将被列入等候名单.


  • 小屋仅供老年人使用,这些空间的安置将在12月的过程中进行
  • Apartment selection will occur in late March/early April.
  • 对主题社区感兴趣的学生需要通过starrez申请主题社区.  的me community placement will occur in early April.

I’m currently a junior and want to live on campus next year? 我有什么选择?

  • 老年人住房极其有限. We are limited to 75 on-campus spaces for seniors
  • Seniors housing selection takes place during Block 4. 老年人将有资格住在老年空间(别墅和公寓). 韦伯). 
  • 在所有当前的大二学生作业完成后,可能会有额外的空间可用.

所有签署了住房协议但没有收到分配的学生都会自动添加到高级住房等待名单中. 我们将在2024年春季学期和2024年夏季为老年人分配住房.  

Why is senior housing selection happening in December? 
由于长者空间有限, 我们想确保那些在学校找不到地方的人有足够的时间去研究其他的选择. 请参阅 the “校外生活” 页面 for more information.

Can I live with my friend who is a rising junior? 
Right now, the spaces available for seniors are for seniors only. 我们不断评估我们的空间,并考虑学生的反馈. 一旦所有需要住在校园里的学生都被分配了空间, we may be able to make some swaps or adjust assignments. 

对于任何即将升学的大四学生,他们收到了住房分配,但后来选择住在校外, we ask that you notify our office in writing as soon as possible. Any open spaces will then be used to assign other seniors to. 

What happens if someone leaves our roommate group? 

If someone leaves your roommate group, remaining roommates can still select a space at their individual timeslots, or you can create another roommate group. 

For a cottage space that has multiple bedrooms, 首先,我们会让剩下的居民找个人搬进来. If the student group cannot identify a replacement, 住房办公室会安排另一名需要住房的学生住在那个地方. 

Is a meal plan required for the space I'm living in? 
For senior spaces, no meal plan is required. For apartment spaces, the apartment meal plan is required. 我们将在春季学期跟进学生的膳食计划选择. 如果您对膳食计划感兴趣,您可以选择公寓膳食计划或完整膳食计划. 

I am not a rising senior, when will I select housing? 
对于当前的一年级和二年级学生,我们将在整个7区进行住房选择. More information regarding the process will be shared during Block 5. 

Which apartments are fully furnished, and which are not? 
Effective Fall 2024, all on campus housing will be fully furnished


  • 有没有学生 需要住在校园里吗, but wants to live off campus must to complete the 校外申请表格. 学生 will receive a response to their request within three business days.
  • Follow up questions can be directed to Please be descriptive in the subject line in order for us to best serve you. (e.g. “校外申请”(如欲申请住在校外)

Are there any resources available to me as an off-campus student?

  • CC与周边社区有着密切的关系,并有很好的合作伙伴关系来帮助支持我们的学生.
  • 学生可以使用与住宿学生在校园里相同的所有资源.
  • 请参阅 “校外生活” 页面.

What types of housing are available to me?

  • 回国学生可以选择多种住房类型,包括:公寓式生活, special interest housing (including language houses); small houses, 传统宿舍楼, 还有平房
  • Information about all of our housing types 可以在这里找到 .

I want to live in a Senior Space, is that possible?

  • Only seniors are eligible to live in Senior Spaces.

I want to live in a theme community or special interest housing? 我有什么选择?

  • CC为我们的归国学生提供几种不同的特殊兴趣住房选择. 其中包括语言学院, 伦诺克斯的房子, 昂科雷, 户外教育, 桥的学者, 弗莱明的骄傲社区, 和麦格雷戈艺术社区.
  • Special interest housing will have a separate interest form. 分配给这些社区的空间将无法在传统的房间选择中使用.

I want a single that is not in an apartment, is that possible?

  • 我们的小房子和传统风格的大厅里有数量有限的单人房. 




  • 学生 can match roommates via StarRez
  • 学生也可以要求一个室友,如果你在住房截止日期前提出要求,你将被安排在一起. 新生须知, 大学生活中令人兴奋的部分是结识新朋友,我们的住房申请会提出一些问题,帮助我们将学生匹配在一起.

Do I need to have a full group to select an apartment?

  • 较小的团体/个人学生可以在较大的公寓中选择床位. 如果你的小组没有填满所有的床位,我们将把这些床位开放给其他学生.

我对一套八人公寓很感兴趣,但我只想和另外三个人住在一起, 我还能这么做吗?

  • 我们允许四人或八人一组对八人公寓进行初步选择. Any unfilled spaces will then be filled with individual students.

Does my group have to fill the entire apartment?

  • We recommend creating a group that will fill the entire desired space. 然而,如果没有发生,我们将个别学生安排在任何开放的床空间.

Can we designate a proxy for apartment selection?

  • Yes, one person can select an apartment for the entire group

If my roommate is only studying abroad for TWO blocks, do we need an alternate?

  • No, 我们办公室每学期的住宿费和半个学期的住宿费会使室友有资格保留自己的空间,除非你提出要求,否则我们可能不会让其他人搬进来.


  • In the application you will indicate your apartment type preference, which in theory allows you to apply for multiple. Our hope is to accommodate first and second preferences.
  • 住房协议: This is your housing contract for the academic year. This document contains your contract terms and expectations for the year.
  • 即将升学的大四学生:现在是大三学生
  • 即将升学的大三学生:现在是大二
  • Rising Sophomore: Current first-year
  • 小房子:Chiles, Fleming, Bemis, McGregor, Ticknor, Montgomery, Jackson, Lennox
  • Cottage/Senior Cottage: Unfurnished houses intended for seniors
  • “的 Big Three”: Mathias, South, Loomis
  • 公寓: Western Ridge and 东校区公寓

What storage options are available across campus?

  • Storage is very limited and not available for students. 联系任何地区的仓储公司.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/19/2024