Holistic Wellness and Self-护理

整体健康认识到健康领域之间的相互联系,并在健康的背景下促进生活的综合生活, 订婚了, and inclusive community.

We can engage in self-护理 within any of the domains of wellness. Each domain intersects with and impacts the others. 下面你会发现在每个健康领域中不同类型的自我护理的例子. 想了解更多关于心理健康和获取资源的信息,请查看我们的 Handouts and Health Resources page.


Associated Self-护理


Lifelong learning; connecting curricular and co-curricular; creativity; critical thinking; supporting academic engagement and success

Read a book; try something new; teach someone how to do something you enjoy


Multi-cultural respect and competence; healthy, respectful interpersonal relationships; values of acceptance, fairness and justice; recognition of the contribution of the community to individual wellness, 反之亦然

Learn to say no; spend time with people who make you feel good; model healthy, respectful interpersonal relationships; stand up for yourself and for others around you; volunteer for a social justice cause


Belief system which contributes to a sense of purpose; hope and optimism; sense of belonging

Take time for self-反映ion; spend time in nature; find spiritual community; meditate; dance; pray; take yoga; volunteer to help others; foster self-forgiveness


Expression of emotions; stress management; assertiveness; intimacy; balance between interdependency and independence

Express how you feel; laugh; play; practice self-compassion; journal; cuddle with a pet; engage in a daily gratitude practice; affirmations; take time to 反映 and notice how you're feeling; work to strike a balance between interdependency and independence


物理 fitness; healthy nutrition; medical awareness and disease prevention; injury prevention; healthy sleep habits

Get enough sleep; exercise; eat healthy; take a walk; dance; turn off your cell phone and pay attention to the 物理 sensations you experience; enjoy a cup of tea; listen to music


Awareness of and connection to surroundings; safety enhancement; understanding the impact of personal choices; stewardship of resources

Go into nature; feel your feet on the grass; watch the sunset; volunteer to pick up trash


Purposeful and rewarding 护理er; financial stability and planning; household management skills

Save money for the future; practice a skill that might help you in your chosen 护理er; 反映 on what activities give you a sense of purpose and then do that

油井运动 is designed to promote the idea that IMG_2268健康是一个过程,而不是一个最终目标,健康是一件需要不断努力的事情. 该运动以健康的整体模式为基础,强调有助于促进健康的五种做法:参与, 联系, 护理, 反映, 和休息.

健康资源中心使用健康的整体模型作为促进学生健康和福祉的基本理念. 我们提供的支持和教育举措反映了对精神的理解, 知识, 情感, 物理, 环境, socio-cultural and financial aspects of our lives are all deeply connected. 以这一框架为工作背景,我们的目标是创造一个人人都能茁壮成长的环境, a community that is inclusive, 公平的, consent-oriented and trauma-informed. Striving for wellness-both personally and communally-is also a matter of justice. Some of the facets of the Well Campaign (rest, 反映) are more personal and others are more social (engage, 联系), but each requires vulnerability, 自我意识, communication and an emphasis on growth.


  • Strive for open-mindedness and curiosity (not just in academic settings)
  • 应用 your creativity and intellect when learning new things
  • 是自我批评
  • 专注于你所做的事情,尽量不要过度投入(当你把自己分散得太分散时,很难投入其中)


  • Empathy: seeking to understand another person's experience
  • There's value in comparison: learn about yourself by learning about others
  • Be critical of individualistic thought


  • 自我保健
  • Check in with your friends and communicate that their well-being matters to you
  • Being an active bystander as a form of community and 环境 护理


  • 不同的关系、努力、活动是否达到了你想要的目的
  • What are you learning?
  • How have you changed through an experience or an event?
  • Personal (journaling, thinking) or social (conversations with friends and family)
  • Build in time to your routine to consider how things are going


  • Break up your routine to get rejuvenated
  • 睡眠
  • Doing things you don't usually do
  • Resist narratives of productivity
  • Taking a mental break, distracting yourself, thinking about other things

By joining the JED Campus program, 赌博正规的十大网站展示了对学生和整个校园社区的情感健康和心理健康的承诺. The JED Campus program takes a comprehensive, 促进情绪健康和预防自杀和严重药物滥用的公共卫生方法. JED校区的学校开展了多年的战略合作,不仅评估和加强了已经完成的工作, but helps create positive, 持久的, systemic change in the campus community. As part of our JED Campus participation, we are also participating in a pilot of the Equity in 心理健康 Framework, a collaboration between JED and the Steve Fund, 重点是评估和加强对有色人种学生心理健康和情感健康的支持.

在2017-2018学年,我们通过调查、审计和焦点小组收集数据. 这项自我评估帮助我们确定了我们的校园优势和在JED确定的七个方面的改进领域,这些领域是促进心理健康和预防自杀的关键要素.

JED Comprehensive Approach includes 7 areas

Highlights of 科罗拉多大学 Campus Strengths include:

  • Promote Social Connectedness: The college has invested in equity and inclusion work broadly across campus.
  • Increase Help-seeking Behavior: The college has policies and processes which encourage help-seeking, and also provides ready access to information and resources.
  • Provide 心理健康 and Substance Abuse Services: The Counseling Center offers comprehensive services, including 24/7 on-call, and has increased the number of providers and hours of service
  • Follow Crisis Management Procedures: The college has excellent 24/7 resources and notification systems.
  • 休息rict Access to Potentially Lethal Means: 该学院利用了一个总体空间规划来识别和减少致命手段的使用.

Highlights of 科罗拉多大学 Areas for Growth include:

  • Identify 学生 at Risk: The college already offers excellent Gatekeeper trainings (i.e., 心理健康 First 援助 and QPR); increasing participation of faculty and staff is a priority.
  • Promote Social Connectedness: Collaborating and consolidating training for the various peer mentorship programs, continuing to address the concerns of under-represented groups, 开发更多的机会,让学生加深跨街区的关系是当务之急.
  • Develop Life Skills: 该学院已经为学生提供了一系列广泛的项目和机会来发展生活技能, but 编程 is siloed. Assessing the efficacy of current 编程, 创造机会加强合作,整合课程和联合课程是当务之急.

作为JED校园项目的一部分,我们在2018年和2021年进行了健康心理调查.  这项调查的数据用于更好地了解校园需求,并增加和改善服务, 编程, and prevention education.  你可以找到 Executive summary of the 2021 data here.  如果您有问题或想讨论我们使用这些信息的方式, please contact hhorton@femdomcenter.com.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 10/14/2022