

CC offers a wide range of faculty-led summer programs each year.  在这个页面上,您可以获得有关CC夏季街区的格式以及如何申请的基本信息.  然后,您可以访问我们过去的课程页面,查看近年来提供的一系列课程.  Our listing of the upcoming summer's courses is typically added in late October, with applications available in December.  There is also an important 页面 dedicated to billing and aid for summer blocks.  您将在本页底部找到链接按钮,以及与赌博正规的十大网站暑期学习相关的几个PDF文件.

A Summer Block Away is just what you might expect, 单一课程, CC教师授课, that takes place pretty much anywhere beyond the CC campus and El Paso County.  科罗拉多大学 typically offers between 8-14 different destinations each year, ranging from cosmopolitan cities like Los Angeles, 纽约, 巴黎和东京, 到喜马拉雅山的乡村, 厄瓜多尔雨林, 或者卡斯蒂利亚平原.  

所有的课程都是CC的课程, built into our curriculum and requiring no outside transcripts or transfer of credit.  课程旅行, 生活, and learn with CC faculty and staff, offered with our major and general education program, often offering collegewide graduation requirement options.  

CC Summer Blocks Away are a chance to expand your studies, 向小调或大调方向发展, blend disciplinary knowledge with experiential learning, and dip your toes into the welcoming waters of study abroad, maybe a stepping stone to a semester away someday, maybe just a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore.  

Every November the list of the upcoming summer's Block Away programs is released, and in late November we hold our Summer Blocks Away Fair in the Worner Center.  The 2025 Summer Blocks Away Fair will be held on Thursday, 11月21日, 2024 from 12-2pm in the Worner Campus Center. 学生 can explore all the options, speak with the faculty leading the program, 并决定今年的课程是否适合他们的兴趣和学术目标. 

The Primary Application Window is the same each year, with applications opening on December 1st and closing on January 15th. 

环球教育始终建议学生尽可能早地在申请窗口申请.  While 援助 Awards are not determined until after the January deadline, 许多项目采用滚动录取,可能在1月15日截止日期之前关闭.  It is always best to speak with the faculty leader(s) about your interest, 尽早申请,因为你可以给自己最好的机会加入一个给定的项目. While it is possible in some cases to apply after the January 15 deadline, 如果你将申请推迟到截止日期之后,那么错过暑期项目或助学金的风险要大得多.  

Once you have a program selected, 在1月15日之前(最好更早)在峰会在线平台(全球教育门户网站)上申请,以便考虑项目批准和潜在的经济援助奖励,以帮助降低旅行成本. When you complete the Summit application for the CC Summer Program you are interested in, 然后你也会被自动审查经济援助资格-没有单独的申请 街区外的夏季援助. 奖学金可以覆盖高达90%的课程费用,以及到达那里的预期机票费用.


It is possible to apply to multiple block away programs at the same time.  Just as with selecting a college, we recommend having a ranking for yourself of the blocks you have applied to.  一旦你收到接受通知,你就可以决定你要加入哪个区块. You should then return to Summit to complete two tasks, first to complete the post-acceptance forms and confirmation for your chosen block, 和第二, 使用蓝色的“请求取消”按钮,退出所有您没有选择的其他区块.  未能退出其他模块可能导致项目费用一旦学生承诺收取 & 撤回的截止日期已过. 

Participation in Multiple Blocks

可以在同一日历或学年中参加多个街区(学年或夏季), but there are some considerations to take into account.  

  • Many summer blocks do not follow the on-campus block dates for Block A or B, 因此,看起来是a类项目的项目与另一个被列为B类项目的项目重叠是很常见的.  If you are considering joining 2 blocks in the same summer, 你应该特别注意每门课程的日期,以确保它们不会重叠.

  • 如果你希望获得奖学金来支付项目费用和机票费用, 你应该记住,所有学生在他们的CC职业生涯中只能获得2个Block Away奖项, 因此,参加超过2个街区的单独旅行将需要自付旅行费用. 

  • 外卡补助金, 哪个会自动为学生免除暑期学费的第一笔费用, is only valid for that first CC summer course.  增加第二个暑期班(在任何一年)将导致收取的不仅仅是项目费用, but also the full summer tuition charge for that 2nd course. 
  • While many travelers are able to visit our program destination countries without a visa, 这通常仅限于在任何6个月(180天)内停留不超过90天.  这可能会给希望在一年内参加多个项目的学生带来问题, or to pair a block away with a semester or half-semester program. Most CC faculty-led programs do not qualify for longer stay student visas, 因此,由于签证限制,不一定能在同一年将block和其他项目结合起来.  If you are considering any combination of programs in the same academic or calendar year, 您应该与环球教育咨询,以确定您是否可能有任何签证限制,可能会对您计划的课程组合产生问题.  

A Summer Block Away has three anticipated costs: Tuition, Program Fee, and Airfare.  Various forms of aid can support these different components.  For a full breakdown of summer billing, charges, and available aid, please visit the "夏日旅行:账单 & 援助”页面. For information on the fees associated with a particular course, 当我们的下一个夏季课程列表可用时(通常在10月中旬到下旬),您需要访问课程列表页面。. 

Summer programs all have a withdrawal deadline of March 15 (Moving to March 1 in 2025).  在该日期之前退学的学生不支付课程费用,也不会因为改变主意而受到处罚.  Withdrawal after this deadline will result in late withdrawal fees.  这些费用列在我们的 夏日旅行:账单 & 援助 页面.  学生应该意识到,随着退课日期越来越接近项目的夏季出发日期,延迟退课的费用确实会增加, with significant increases in Block 7 and Block 8.  在出发当天或课程开始后退课的学生应支付全额课程费用.


学生可以在此日期之前退出任何2024年夏季校外课程,并且不收取任何课程费用. 之后的退学将导致课程费用的一部分作为不可退还的费用支付给学生.


Thursday, 11月21日, 2024 from 12:00pm-2:00pm


December 1, 2024 - January 15, 2025
Applications are open on Summit through January 15.  所有在此窗口期间申请的学生都将接受助学金资格审查,助学金将在月底发放.  Applications may be accepted outside of the window, but aid may not be available after the window closes in January. 
环球教育始终建议学生尽可能早地在申请窗口申请.  许多项目采用滚动录取,可能会在1月窗口关闭之前关闭.  It is always best to speak with the faculty leader(s) about your interest, 尽早申请,因为你可以给自己最好的机会加入一个给定的项目. 



学生可以在此日期之前退出任何暑期2025校外课程,并且不收取任何课程费用. 之后的退学将导致课程费用的一部分作为不可退还的费用支付给学生.
持有有效护照和任何适当的进入项目目的国的签证是参加任何海外学习项目的必要条件.  For details on passport requirements, 签证流程, 以及那些想要在同一年参加多个海外学习项目的学生的潜在担忧, 请浏览我们的 资格 & 政策网站 and review the information provided.

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/10/2024