Re-launch of the Democratic Dialogue Project Connects CC and USAFA 学生

The Democratic Dialogue Project (DDP) facilitates both social connections and political debates between 科罗拉多大学 students and United States Air Force Academy cadets, helping to reduce the military-civilian divide for the next generation of citizens and leaders.

“Being a member of the DDP means trying to bridge the gap between civilians and military in our generation. 我们都是同龄人, 我们使用相同的社交媒体, 我们看同一台电视, 做同样的运动, but we live our lives in totally separate bubbles. 有恐惧, 不信任, and misunderstanding between these groups of people that doesn't need to be there, and that makes both the civilian world and the military worse off,23岁的汤姆·拜伦说, 俱乐部的联合主席.

The Democratic Dialogue Project was a club at CC for many years, but lapsed during COVID.

在2021年度过了一段美好时光之后 学院大会政治学会议, Bryon realized that there wasn’t much contact between CC students and USAFA cadets, 他想要改变这一点. After talking to a professor about wanting to organize a program to bring cadets and CC students together, 拜伦知道了DDP俱乐部. 有了这个新发现,拜伦向 伊丽莎白考金斯, 政治学副教授, last spring and asked for her help in restarting the club.

“The mission of the DDP is essential in today’s democracy, and I believe in it deeply,” says Coggins. 

格雷格•拉斯基, 他是USAFA的英语副教授, Coggins在2015年左右创立了DDP, 使用一个 梅隆基金资助.

“There are a number of occasions for CC and USAFA students to interact in social and athletic contexts, but there are fewer occasions for these two cohorts to come into contact in an 知识 setting and to discuss matters of significance relevant to all citizens,柯金斯和拉斯基在电视上说 DDP网站.

The lack of opportunities to interact can result in a lack of genuine understanding between CC students and USAFA cadets. The goal of the DDP is to facilitate connections between military members and civilians early on in their lives and careers.  

“I joined the DDP because it is not often at CC that you get the chance to engage with people with wildly different political views. I’ve found our conversations really valuable because they both drive me to consider perspectives I would not normally think about and to investigate my own beliefs more closely,24岁的Maggie Mixer说, 俱乐部的联合主席.

Club members usually come up with a starting discussion question, such as how involved the United States should be in Ukraine, or to what extent students agree or disagree with student loan forgiveness. 布莱恩和阿什·斯蒂芬, 负责USAFA DDP的学员, will then split club members into discussion groups.

“DDP allows cadets the opportunity to explore their future roles as military officers in American democracy by providing a forum for interaction with aspiring civilian leaders from 科罗拉多大学. The development of leaders in our republic depends on civil discourse between disparate groups, and providing an opportunity for the humble leader to learn more and improve themselves for the sake of others,斯蒂芬说。, a philosophy and applied math double major who will graduate from the USAFA this year.

Stephen says he became involved with the DDP after recognizing how crucial it is to break out of one’s 知识 bubble.

“不同的观点对增长至关重要, and I am honored to be able to help facilitate these discussions between our two schools,斯蒂芬说。, who will start fighter and bomber pilot training after graduating.

While scheduling can be difficult, the club tries to meet every month. Meetings have been held on both campuses and at coffee shops across town.

“The DDP is a great opportunity to step out of the CC bubble and engage with college students with diverse world views. Many of the cadets come from very different backgrounds than CC students and are in a very different educational environment, which generates really interesting discussions and gives you a chance to think more deeply about your own opinions,米德尔说。, 政治学专业.

虽然许多会议是基于讨论的, 俱乐部还举办其他活动, 比如电影放映和正式辩论.

科罗拉多大学 students can join at any point in the year, and all majors are welcome. With questions or to join the club, please contact Maggie Mixer at

报告问题 - 最后更新: 03/24/2023