Advancement Privacy Notice Policy

Responsible office
Responsible party
Vice President for Advancement
Last revision
May 2018
Approved by
The Cabinet
Approval date
May 2018
Effective date
May 2018
Last review
May 2018
Additional references


所有涉及校园内社区成员的财务和行政政策, including volunteers are within the scope of this policy. 如果在部门期望和大学政策中描述的共同方法之间存在差异, the college will look to the campus community, 支持包括志愿者在内的大学政策的精神和目标. Unless specifically mentioned in a college policy, the college’s Board of Trustees are governed by their Bylaws.


Colorado College takes seriously its duty to protect personal information.  本隐私声明解释CC如何处理和使用我们收集的以前学生的个人数据, parents of current and former students, and our past, current, 和未来的支持者,特别是筹款和校友和家庭关系活动.

长期以来,慈善支持以及校友和家庭的参与推动了赌博正规的十大网站的成功.  更好地了解我们的校友和支持者,使我们能够与您保持联系, in order to keep you apprised of news of the college, to provide services to you, and to identify ways in which you may wish to engage with Colorado College.

What Information is Collected?

  • Contact information – home and business addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and social media contact information
  • 人口统计信息——姓名、头衔、性别、出生和死亡日期以及种族1
  • Student information obtained from college records, including degree details, student activities, awards, and involvement in athletics
  • 招聘信息,包括公司名称、职位名称和赌博正规的十大网站
  • Family information, including spouse’s name, children’s names and sometimes birthdates, and familial relationships
  • Donor information, including giving history with Colorado College. 我们也可以从公开资源中获取信息,以深入了解您的慈善兴趣和支持赌博正规的十大网站的能力.
  • Engagement information, including alumni/parent activities, event attendance, volunteer interests, committee participation, awards and honors, attitudes and preferences, responses to surveys, and records of communication from us to you and vice-versa

How is information Collected?

  • Self-provided via mail, phone, e-mail, online, or in person
  • Event or activity registrations
  • Admission, student, and employment records held by Colorado College
  • US Postal records
  • 你在社交媒体上公开的信息,比如换工作
  • Publicly available data through our own research or from third parties

How is Information Used?

  • 给你发送信息,包括校友杂志和学校的最新信息
  • To conduct surveys
  • To provide alumni services
  • 进行数据充实和清理,以确保我们为您提供准确的联系信息
  • 进行研究以帮助我们更好地了解我们的校友、捐赠者和潜在捐赠者
  • For internal record keeping so as to keep a record of your relationship with us, including any preference changes
  • To segment marketing and communication
  • 使用IP地址识别我们用户的位置,以应对恶意活动和取证分析
  • 目录服务允许授权的校友通过网络搜索,以确定他们想要连接的校友. Data used to facilitate these experiences may include name, class year, degree, major, student activities, city/state/zip, email address, phone number, and information that you may choose to make available through social networks.   For more information about directory services, visit:

To opt-out of directory services please email

Who Has Access to Information?

对Advancement数据库信息的访问仅限于职位需要的大学员工,并且是根据工作角色精确定义的.  Information contained within the database is also made available to volunteers, faculty members, staff, 以及以官方身份工作的管理人员,以进一步推动赌博正规的十大网站的筹款和校友关系使命.

数据库中的信息可与提供与推广司任务有关的业务服务的公司共享.g. data-processing consultants, direct-mail vendors, marketing and merchandise firms, and alumni benefit offers).  The vendor must agree to use the information only for the purposes intended. 学院要求第三方作为服务合同的一部分或通过保密协议保护个人身份信息.

赌博正规的十大网站可能会与其他学院或大学分享以下信息,以寻找赌博正规的十大网站和申请机构的学位校友的位置:全名, address, telephone number and email address; degree and date of degree awarded by Colorado College; major field of study; and employer address and telephone number.

赌博正规的十大网站收到外部个人的联系信息请求时, information will not be directly shared with requestor.  However, 工作人员可主动提出与选民联络(除非该选民编号为“无联络”)及, with the permission of the requestor, will provide the requestor’s contact information.

不确定具体个人或其个人信息的汇总数据可能与资助者共享, government organizations, peer institutions, and other groups. 

捐赠者的信息可以与资助者共享在副总裁推进(e.g., list of top donors to satisfy terms of charitable grant).

The college may share or transfer information in its database to comply with financial audit procedures; to respond to a judicial process; to comply with state, federal or local laws; or to provide information to law enforcement agencies to the extent required by law.

 Please see for more information on the college’s policy on Advancement Database Usage.


为上述目的而处理的大部分个人资料将属于学院追求我们的合法利益.  学院将征求我们的欧洲居民的同意,为目录服务和电子邮件的特定目的, phone, and text communications that are considered direct marketing.  在某些情况下,可能会根据其他合法依据收集和处理数据.

The accuracy of your personal information is important to us.  您有权要求获得我们所持有的您的个人信息的副本,并要求更正不准确的信息. 我们将无限期保留您的资料,以支持您与学院的终身关系,或除非您要求我们另行保留, 此时,我们将继续保留一组核心个人数据,以确保我们将来不会无意中与您联系, to maintain your academic record for archive purposes, and to maintain financial records for accounting purposes.  Where you have provided your consent for our use of your personal information, you always have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.  You may object to the processing of your personal data, on legitimate grounds, except if otherwise permitted by law.  If you wish to access, amend, or request that we delete any information about you or restrict its processing, you may contact us at .  请注意,行使这些权利是在过程中提供的保证,而不是对结果的保证.

有关学院的欧盟一般数据保护条例政策的更多信息,请点击 here.

Data Controller

The Data Controller for the purposes of GDPR is Colorado College.  Please direct questions or requests to




[1] In compliance with GDPR, 赌博正规的十大网站在没有明确同意的情况下不会保留欧盟居民的种族信息.





Report an issue - Last updated: 10/19/2021