
作为一所私立高等教育机构, 科罗拉多大学 is a voluntary association of persons who understand and respect the principles that govern the College. 学院的教育使命永远是至高无上的. Freedom of thought and expression are essential to any institution of higher learning. Academic freedom is essential to the mission of 科罗拉多大学, and freedom of expression is a vital component of academic freedom. Uncensored speech is essential in an academic community and will be vigorously defended; however, unlawful disruption of the expression of views by preventing a speaker from expressing views, 通过暴力或破坏财产, 不会被容忍. The College’s commitment to freedom of expression does not countenance communications or conduct that demean, 诋毁, 羞辱, or express hatred to any particular person or class of persons. Some communications or conduct may so violate our community standards that formal College intervention may be necessary. The College may restrict or sanction communications or conduct that violates the law, 诽谤个人, 是身体上的威胁, 或者歧视, unlawfully harasses or retaliates against others simply because of that person’s protected status or because of that group’s message or content of communication. 为了这些目的, 学院保留控制时间的权利, 的地方, 以及活动和交流的方式, 是否发生在校园里, 参加校外大学活动, 或任何学院财产. The College does not seek to censor the expression of ideas, but rather to maintain the regular operations of the College and the safety and 安全 of individuals.

学院院长 学生生活
学院院长, 负责学生生活的副主席/学生事务主任
Higher Education Opportunity Act Section 104 (Protection of Student Speech and Association Rights)


All financial and administrative policies involving community members across campus, 包括志愿者在内,都在这项政策的范围内. If there is a variance between departmental expectations and the common approach described through college policy, 学院将依靠校园社区, including volunteers to support the spirit and the objectives of college policy. 除非学校政策里特别提到, the college’s 校董会 are governed by their Bylaws.


Authorities delegated and retained/administrative responsibility:

The President of the College delegates administration of the College’s 言论自由 政策 to the 学院院长, the 负责学生生活的副主席/学生事务主任 and the AVP of Institutional Planning & 有效性.



The Office of Communications is solely responsible for institutional responses to the media;


  • 学生, 教师, and staff may distribute written and electronic material that does not defame others or interfere with the normal business or 活动 of the College;
  • These written materials must comply with the College’s 印刷品的分发和征集政策, and electronic material must comply with the College’s Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources 政策.


  • The College encourages its members to be engaged citizens of their community and the nation, which may include participation in protests and demonstrations. 行使这些权利不应危及他人, 扰乱学院的正常业务或活动, 破坏财产, 或者构成违法行为的;
  • 学生, 教师, 员工可能会参加抗议活动, 示威游行或其他政治活动, 以任何形式, including via electronic or social media but must ensure that they in no way represent themselves as a spokesperson for the College. 学生, 教师, 以及担任领导角色的员工, should carefully consider whether their participation in protests and demonstrations will affect their work at the College, and should take all reasonable precautions to avoid the appearance of being a spokesperson for the College;
  • 一如既往地, staff should consult with their supervisor in advance of leaving work during regular hours.

It is a violation of College policy to interrupt, shout down, or otherwise disrupt an event. It is also a violation to obstruct the view of the speaker with banners or placards.

校园安全 will ask individuals engaged in disruption to stop disrupting and to leave the area. Failure to follow directions of the 校园安全 办公室rs is a violation of College policy; those who fail to comply promptly with such a request may be subject to disciplinary action or other sanctions according to Student Honor and Community Standards and college handbooks. Any reports of alleged violations of this policy will be handled in accordance with College policy.


  1. 可能阻碍车辆行驶的事件, 行人, 或者其他交通, 并且必须至少提前72小时获得批准. Time, 的地方, and manner of the events are considered during the review process;
  2. 在校园内使用扩音器;
  3. 露营及/或临时搭建物(帐篷等.)
  4. 示威游行


  1. 阻塞建筑物出入口的;
  2. Unlawful interference with College business or 活动 inside or outside of buildings;
  3. Interference with scheduled College ceremonies, events, or 活动;
  4. 损坏的:损坏、污损或毁坏财产的;
  5. 妨碍交通或行人的.


All College events that are open to the public must be at the invitation of a College department, 程序, 办公室, 或组织.  除了, 赞助商, 系或项目主席, 部门主管, or student organization chair must notify in a timely manner the 学院院长, 或者他们指定的人, 用于部门或员工赞助的活动, 或负责学生生活的副主席/教务长, 或者他们指定的人, 用于学生或学生组织赞助的活动, to assure the practicability of the logistical arrangements.  学院院长, 负责学生生活的副主席/学生事务主任, 或者他们各自的指定, 保留施加限制的权利, 重新安排, 搬迁, 或者取消扬声器, 活动, or events as a result of considerations relevant to assessment of campus safety, 安全, 资源, or disruption of the normal business or 活动 of the College.

The following documents provide further information on procedures for events and speakers:


报告问题 - 最后更新: 06/22/2022