Cost of Attendance


CC Financial Aid & You: Partnership for Success

许多家庭能够负担得起赌博正规的十大网站通过使用赠款组合, modest loans, student work opportunities, and family resources. 我们为所有家庭提供预算、父母贷款和其他财务选择方面的建议.

CC根据FAFSA和CSS档案结果,使用捐助者资助的奖学金和校园助学金的组合,满足100%的财务需求, 联邦贷款和勤工俭学的选择,当你在公布的截止日期前完成财政援助申请过程. 下面的净价计算器给出了一个基于你提供的信息的估计. 我们欢迎学生和家长致电并安排时间讨论他们的净价格计算器结果或您可能遇到的任何其他财务援助问题.

Calculation of Financial Aid Eligibility:

Cost of Attendance

以下是我们用来计算在2021-22学年就读赌博正规的十大网站的学生的最终经济援助奖的出勤费用. The college requires all students to be enrolled full-time.

Academic Year 2024-25

Fixed Direct Charges Academic Year 2024-25




Student Activity Fee


This pays for all activities funded through CCSGA





Meal Plan



Estimated Expenses     (based on averages for a 9 month period)
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment Allowance  $1,240
Misc. Allowance  $1,800 Personal expenses
Transportation $1,230 Domestic student expectation; International student expectation is $1,500
Subsidized Student Loan Fee $63 Average origination fee assessed to loan borrowers
Unsubsidized Student Loan Fee $67 Average origination fee assessed to loan borrowers
Total Estimated Costs  $91,154


Health Insurance



Additionally, all students are required to have health insurance 在赌博正规的十大网站就读期间,并提供年度保险证明. 学院提供全面的学生健康保险计划. If a student elects coverage under a different plan, their health insurance must meet minimum criteria, which are available on the Student Health Insurance Plan website. More information is available with our Student Health Center. 健康保险费用每年夏天由卫生部调整和公布 Student Health Center. 



*赌博正规的十大网站每年教育学生的实际费用比我们的学费要高. However, 我们的捐赠、礼物和赠款的收入补贴了这一数额, even for students who do not receive financial aid. For students eligible for financial aid, 奖学金和助学金进一步降低了学生及其家庭的成本.


*Similar to many other institutions, 学费和杂费可能会发生变化,每年确定. Please note that future tuition costs, fees, 标准的学生预算金额可能每年都有所不同.



  • For students living at home in the Colorado Springs area, we use a living expense allowance of approximately $5,300美元代替常规的出勤费用,包括食宿费, personal expenses, and transportation. 学生可以根据足够的文件向经济援助办公室提供超过图书津贴的书籍费用调整.

赌博正规的十大网站要求所有学生要么参加学院的健康保险计划,要么有类似的医疗保险. 我们希望那些已经被家庭保险覆盖的学生将继续被覆盖. 如果学生希望加入学院的健康保险计划,那么整个学年的保险费用将计入第一学期的费用.

根据个人要求,经济援助办公室可以将计算机费用增加到学生在CC的出勤费用中一次. 这不是学院的政策,使用机构资源来资助这个电脑津贴, 但是学生可以使用联邦援助资格和外部奖学金来支付电脑津贴费用.

  • 我们一般将电脑成本调整限制在2500美元以内. 该津贴在学生的最后一个学期不发放. We increase the cost of attendance up to $2,500美元,并提供适当的文件,证明学生或家庭已经或将花费资金购买或租赁计算机设备.
  • 在任何情况下都需要购买或租赁的最终文件. 我们考虑在申请津贴后六个月内发生的费用的电脑出勤费用调整. 计算机设备的定义很宽泛,包括台式机或笔记本电脑系统, monitors, printers, cables, peripheral devices, and some software.

根据联邦规定,不需要提供家长信息的学生, 我们使用的出勤费用可能会反映标准津贴的调整,以适应这些情况.


Half block Class Policy

Half block is a .5 unit course offered in the beginning of spring semester. 如果学生在秋季学期或春季学期注册了全日制(而在另一个学期至少注册了兼职), half block does not carry a tuition charge. If, however, 学生在秋季和春季都是兼职的,没有在一个学期或另一个学期注册, 半学期按半单元课程收费,并按当年的标准学费计算.

出于经济援助的目的,半块是春季学期的一部分. If a student is not taking 3 other units in the spring, 他们的入学考试将增加一半,以确定他们是否有资格获得联邦援助. 但是,CC不提供半街区入学的经济资助.



Tuition and Fees: $62,070.00
Books and Supplies: $1,240.00
Food: $1,188.00
Misc. Allowance: $1,354.00
Transportation: $1,480.00
Total: $67,332.00


Report an issue - Last updated: 02/20/2024